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Age Well Live Well

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Age Well Live Well Y&H Regional Network Event . July 2023

Presentations on:

  • Improving our homes,
  • Healthy Housing Initiative,
  • West Yorkshire Dementia-ready Housing Task Force,
  • Homes and healthy ageing principles,

Featured Resource

Age Well Live Well Y&H Regional Network Event . July 2023

Presentations on:

  • Improving our homes,
  • Healthy Housing Initiative,
  • West Yorkshire Dementia-ready Housing Task Force,
  • Homes and healthy ageing principles,


Collaborating with partners across the region to provide a strategic drive and governance framework for this agenda


Alexis Chappell

Ben Anderson

A joint ADASS and ADPH multi disciplinary network in the Yorkshire and Humber region provides a vehicle to drive this agenda and develop a collective voice to influence the national agenda.  Through specific workstreams, joint learning and support we can promote a more unified approach to key activities that require improved collaboration and joint working both regionally and locally.